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BeyondCrumbz and BeyondShakerz Keto BBQ Air Fryer Chicken

BeyondCrumbz and BeyondShakerz Bing BBQ seasoning team up for an easy and delicious alternative to carb-heavy breaded chicken. BeyondCrumbz are breadless bread crumbs that are low carb, gluten-free, grain-free, and full of pea protein. Pop the chicken in your air fryer and you have a quick and easy low carb meal ready in under 20 minutes.

A huge thank you to @candidketones for the terrific recipe! Be sure to check her out on Instagram for more keto inspiration!

Note: You can grind up BeyondChipz Bada BBQ in the food processor if you don't have BeyondCrumbz and BeyondShakerz Bing BBQ!


  • BeyondCrumbz
  • BeyondShakerz Bing BBQ and Salty Good
  • 1 - 2 eggs
  • 1 package chicken thighs


  • Pour some BeyondCrumbz in to a bowl and add BeyondShakerz Bing BBQ and Salty Good to taste. Mix together.
  • Whisk up 1 or 2 eggs in a separate bowl.
  • Dredge chicken thighs in the eggs and then the seasoned crumbs
  • Bake in the air fryer for 18 minutes at 375F, flipping the chicken half way through cooking